An ordinance creating the Burauen Green Cops or Auxiliary Services and Traffic Implementation Group (ASTIG) in the Municipality of Burauen, Leyte, and providing funds therefor.
SECTION 1 – Title – This ordinance shall be known and referred to as Burauen “Green Cops” or “Auxiliary Services and Traffic Implementation Group” (ASTIG).
SECTION 2 – Definition of Terms.
A. Burauen “Green Cops” or “Auxiliary Services and Traffic Implementation Group (ASTIG)” – for the purpose of this ordinance, shall mean a person appointed by the Local Chief Executive and deputized by proper authorities to aid regular members of the Burauen PNP in the implementation of Ordinance No. 05, series of 2002, otherwise known as the “Comprehensive Traffic Code of the Municipality of Burauen, Leyte”, and the Traffic Code of the Philippines, such as expediting the free flow of traffic, proper parking of vehicles, emergency response, disaster response and other duties and functions as may be assigned upon him/her.
B. Loading and Unloading areas – place to load and unload cargoes or passengers as designated in Ordinance No. 05, series of 2002.
C. Landmarks – for the purpose of this ordinance, landmark means any prominent feature of a landscape serving to identify a particular place or locality.
D. Pedestrian – a person travelling on foot, whether walking or running, mostly refers to someone walking on a road or footpath.
E. Emergency Response – any concerted effort by two or more agencies, public or private, to provide assistance or intervention during unforeseen or sudden occurrence of calamities, especially danger, demanding inmediate action or immediately after a disaster to meet the life preservation and basic subsistence reeds of those people affected and in the restoration of essential public activities and facilities.
F. Disaster Preparedness and Response – the knowledge and capacities developed by governments. professional response and recovery organizations, communities and individuals to effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover from the impacts of likely, imminent or current hazard events or conditions.
G. Road Right of Way (RROW) – for purposes of this ordinance is a path or route that may lawfully be used. The right of way may be a specific grant of land or easement, as provided for by existing laws and ordinances.
Link to the full copy of the ordinance: