Municipal Ordinance No. 02-series of 1981 – An ordinance imposing penalties to owners of business establishments operating within the territorial jurisdiction of the municipality who do not comply

An ordinance imposing penalties to owners of business establishments operating within the territorial jurisdiction of the municipality who do not comply with the proper license and permit requirements in the establishment of their business or businesses.

Whereas, the matter presented for consideration was the observation of the body that there are business establishments operating within the territorial jurisdiction of Burauen, Leyte, which are and have been operating without the necessary Mayor’s Permit and Business License to operate the same and which acts become violative to the Local Tax Code and other existing laws and ordinances regulating the establishment of business as well as in the Local Tax Code;

Whereas, as a remedial measure to the situation and to effect a better revenue collection a consensus was reached that penalties shall be imposed to owners and/or operators of business establishments who fail to comply with the requirements provided in Municipal Ordinance No. 37, series of 1974, otherwise known as the Local Tax Code and Municipal Ordinance No. 2, series of 1981.

Wherefore, on motion of Kagawad Sudario, seconded by Kagawad Radam,

Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Bayan of Burauen, Leyte, in regular session assembled, that

Section 1 – This ordinance shall be called an Ordinance Imposing Penalties to Owners of Business Establishments Operating within the Territorial Jurisdiction of the Municipality of Burauen, Leyte, who do not comply with the payment of the necessary Mayor’s Permit and Business License to operate the same business;

Link to the full copy of the ordinance:

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