An ordinance declaring a six (6) months moratorium on the gathering and transportation of abaca ombak, and the mandatory treatment and eradication of all abaca plants affected by the bunchy top virus in the municipality.
Be it ordained by the members of the Sangguniang Bayan of Burauen, Leyte, in session, that
SECTION 1. Definition of Terms. –
Abaca – refers to the fiber producing plant scientifically called Musa Textiles Nee.
Abaca Diseases – include all viral (bunchy-top and mosaic), bacterial and fungal (fusarium wilt, heart-rot, stem rot and dry sheath rot) diseases.
Ombak – refers to the dried outermost leaf sheath of abaca plants.
Abaca Bunchy Top Virus – an aphid-transmitted viral disease characterized by rossetting or bunching of the leaves and stunted growth and death of the plant.
OSAP – Oplan Sagip Abaca Program. EVSU- Eastern Visayas State University.
FIDA – refers to the Fiber Industry Development Authority.
LGU – refers to the Local Government Unit.
MAO – refers to the Municipal Agriculturist Office.
OPA – refers to the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist.
PNP – refers to the Philippine National Police.
SECTION 2. It is hereby ordered to stop the gathering, trading and transporting of Abaca Ombak in all of the barangays in the municipality of Burauen for six (6) consecutive months in any portion of the territory of this municipality.
Links to the full copy of the ordinance: