Municipal Ordinance No. 06-2014 – An ordinance amending title II, section 2.2 of municipal ordinance no. 11-06, series of 2011, otherwise known as ”Burauen Market Code of 2011”

An ordinance amending title ii, section 2.2 of municipal ordinance no. 11-06, series of 2011, otherwise known as the “Burauen Market Code of 2011”.

Be at enacted by the Members of the Sangguniang Bayan in session, that

SECTION 1 – This ordinance shall be called “An Ordinance Amending Title II, Section 2.2 of Municipal Ordinance No. 11-06, series of 2011, otherwise known as the “Burauen Market Code of 2011”;

SECTION 2 – Title II, Section 2.2 of Municipal Ordinance No. 11-06, series of 2011, is hereby amended to incorporate therein the rental fee and contract of lease for the occupation of government agencies or its instrumentalities, NGOs, POs and other private institutions in the vacant market stalls, which will be under letter “E” and “F” of Title II, Section 2.2, as follow:

E. RENTAL FEE FOR GOVERNMENT OFFICES. In case of provincial, national office/agency or any of its branch or instrumentality, a rental fee of One Hundred Pesos (P100.00) per square meter shall be collected

F. RENTAL FEE FOR NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS (NGOs), PEOPLES’ ORGANIZATIONS (POS) AND OTHER PRIVATE OFFICES OR INSTITUTIONS. In case of cooperatives networks, NGOs, POs and other private offices or institutions that may intend to occupy the public market stall, a rental fee of One Hundred Pesos (P100.00) per square meter shall be collected for the first two (2) vears of occupancy, and an increase of five percent (5%) for every two (2) years thereafter.

Link to the full copy of the ordinance:

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