Municipal Ordinance No. 17-09 – An ordinance creating an administrative board which will hear and decide complaints regarding nuisances

An Ordinance Creating an Administrative Board to Hear and Decide Complaints Regarding Nuisances.

Author: Hon. Marissa D. Carilla – Committee Chairperson on Personnel Matters

Be it enacted by the Sangguniang Bayan of Burauen, Leyte, in session assembled, that:

Article I – Declaration of Policy

Section 1. Policy. – It is the policy of the state to safeguard the integrity of its territory and the well-being of its citizenry particularly the youth from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs on their physical and mental well- being, and to defend the same against acts or omissions detrimental to their development and preservation. In view of the foregoing, the State needs to enhance further the efficacy of the law against dangerous drugs, it being one of today’s more serious social ills;

The Local Government Unit of Burauen shall pursue an intensive and unrelenting campaign against dangerous drugs and other similar substances through an integrated system of planning, implementation and enforcement of anti-drug abuse policies, programs and projects;

It is likewise the policy of the Municipality to provide effective mechanisms or measures to ensure that the proliferation of illegal drugs be abated by declaring any place or premises which have been used on two or more occasions as the site of the unlawful sale or delivery of dangerous drugs premises as public nuisances;

Link to the full copy of the ordinance:

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